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环球连续两年受邀撰写《Risk and Compliance Management 2022》(《风险与合规管理指引2022》)
2022年04月19日周磊 | 李嘉杰 | 陈筝妮

环球律师事务所周磊李嘉杰陈筝妮受邀参与撰写的The Risk and Compliance Management 2022(《风险与合规管理指引2022》)已于近日正式发布。


Alan Zhou, Jacky Li and Jenny Chen of Global Law Office have been invited to contribute to the Risk and Compliance Management 2022 which has been officially published recently.


(请点击“相关下载”下载《风险与合规管理2022》之中国篇全文)。(Please download the guide by clicking the button “Download/相关下载” at the end of this article).


The Risk and Compliance Management 2022(《风险与合规管理2022》)汇集了世界7个主要法域(包括中国、美国、德国、法国、瑞士、日本、乌克兰),由知名法律出版商Law Business Research Ltd旗下的Lexology荣誉出品,邀请在各法域相关领域的领先人士撰写。环球律师事务所周磊、李嘉杰和陈筝妮此次撰写了其中有关中国法域的相关章节。


The Risk and Compliance Management 2022 covers 7 major jurisdictions around the world (including China, the United States, Germany, France, Switzerland, Japan and Ukraine) and is published by Lexology, a leading legal publisher under Law Business Research Ltd. Lexology has invited leading legal professionals in each jurisdiction to contribute to this guide. Alan Zhou, Jacky Li and Jenny Chen have contributed the relevant chapters to Chinese jurisdiction in this publication.




In the Risk and Compliance Management 2022, Global Law authors shared their experience and views on the current legal issues related to compliance management, covering the legal and regulatory framework of compliance risk management, corporate compliance responsibilities, corporate compliance risks, corporate compliance digital transformation and major development trends, aiming to provide enterprises with a holistic perspective and practical guidelines to understand regulatory compliance in China.

