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2022年06月07日赵德铭 | 任清 | 周和敏 | 沈云

编者按:应国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)之邀,环球律师事务所海关与贸易合规合伙律师们撰写了本篇中英文双语文章,发表于钱伯斯《全球法律指南》。本文是环球律所资深律师们多年实战经验的总结,有助于中外客户了解中国出口管制、经济制裁以及海关进出口的监管特点和监管动向,以便于企业适时调整海关与贸易合规以及风险应对策略,防患于未然。

Editor’s Notes: As invited by Chambers and Partners, a renowned international legal rating agency, the partners of customs and trade compliance practice of Global Law Office have prepared this bilingual article which has been published on the Chambers Global Guidelines. As an illustration of years of practice in the field of customs and trade compliance, this article summarizes the regulatory supervision and enforcement patterns and trends of China export controls, sanctions and import and export administration, which will be instrumental in shaping the customs and trade internal control or compliance programs (ICP) on the part of multinational companies who have substantial operations in China.


I. 中国出口管制 China Export Controls



On December 29, 2021, the State Council Information Office released the China’s Export Control White Paper, which sets out its basic export control position as truly multilateral, fair and non-discriminatory. Accordingly, China export control regime manifests itself in the following features: (a) Items on the multilateral non-proliferation control lists constitute the main body of China dual use export control lists; (b) China does not adopt the dual-use control lists under the Wassenaar Arrangement (“WA”) as China views WA as discriminative; (c) The speedy enaction of China Export Control Law (“ECL”) was prompted by the need to counter the abusive export control measures taken by the United States against entities in China. In the absence of abusive export control practice of a foreign country, the Chinese government may show self-restraints in enforcing the extraterritorial provisions of ECL in line with the fair practice of China against abusive foreign export control measures.



Obviously ECL which came into effect on December 1, 2021, has drawn upon some export control supervision measures under the US Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”). As an instance, under ECL the controlled export activities cover cross-border transfer of controlled items from China to abroad, the deemed export as well as the overseas re-export; entities or persons undertaking the export control obligations include “export operators” in China, as well as overseas importers, end-users and re-exporters. The extraterritorial authority exists in the provisions of re-export controls, sanctions against overseas importers and end-users in violation of ECL, and the strict liability on overseas re-exporters, analogous to that of export operators in China. The sanctions against the foreign entities or persons in violation includes denial of access to China’s controlled items. Overseas re-exporters who violate ECL may face the administrative penalties of five to ten times of the value of re-exported controlled items. In extraordinary circumstances, overseas importers, end-users or re-exporters may also be exposed to criminal consequences.



Given the consequences of export control violations, export operators in China, as well as overseas importers, end-users and re-exporters, may need to establish and implement an internal compliance program (“ICP”) pursuant to ICP Guidelines by MOFCOM.


II. 中国经济制裁 China’s Economic Sanctions



China’s economic sanctions regime is defensive rather than aggressive in nature. Apart from following the multilateral sanctions adopted by the United Nations Security Council, it primarily aims at countering abusive sanctions by foreign countries against China. In terms of countermeasures, MOFCOM has issued two departmental rules, namely, the Provisions on the Unreliable Entity List (issued in September 2020) and the Rules on Counteracting Unjustified Extraterritorial Application of Foreign Legislation and Other Measures (“Blocking Rules”) (issued in January 2021). Under the Provisions on the Unreliable Entity List, where a foreign entity cuts off supply or imposes other discriminatory measures against Chinese entities and thus endangers the national sovereignty, security or development interests of China, the same foreign entity will be designated onto the “Unreliable Entity List” and restricted from engaging in China-related trade and investment activities. As of this article’s date, no foreign entities are so designated. Per the Blocking Rules, the entities in China, if affected by any sanctions imposed by a foreign country against a third country, shall report to MOFCOM, and foreign sanctions may be blocked by China in the future. Currently China has not yet blocked any foreign sanctions against a third country.



However, under the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law (“AFSL”) (June 10, 2021), the execution of discriminatory restrictive measures which interferes in China’s internal affairs (“Intrusive Measures”) by a Chinese or foreign individual or entity constitutes violation of AFSL. Besides designation of the foreign politicians and institutions advancing the Intrusive Measures, AFSL also provides that the aggrieved party in China affected by such Intrusive Measures may file a lawsuit with the competent court in China against the Chinese or foreign individual or entity executing such Intrusive Measures, to seek the legal remedy of ceasing the infringement and claim for damages.



As a compliance measure, entities in China are recommended to screen their counterparties against the United Nations Security Council sanctions lists and China’s ASFL List and avoid transactions with the designated parties on sanctions lists. Both Chinese and foreign entities also need to proactively identify, assess, and prevent the risk of being sued in China by reason of executing the Intrusive Measures.


III. 中国海关监管 China Customs Supervision



In terms of import and export transactions, the importer and exporter in China also face customs supervision and severe penalty risks. Firstly, China customs is the only administrative organ with policing powers in China. An investigation may turn out to be a criminal one if there is evidence of fraudulent declaration of imported or exported commodities. Secondly, the automated clearance mechanism without routine prior examination by the customs makes it difficult for importing or exporting entities to aware of non-compliance incidences during customs clearance if there is no advance ICP in place relevant to import and export declarations. As a result, the legal exposure of repeatedly false declarations will accumulate all the time and become severe upon explosion of the risks. Thirdly, China Customs has recently adopted the joint supervision scheme across different customs regions (e.g., in the Yangtze River Delta). By reason of such joint supervision, the subsidiaries in China of multinational companies will be lineated as different compliant companies and such compliance lineation or penalty decision will be shared among the customs authorities across the regions. As a result, if one subsidiary in a region incurs large amount of duty compensation or is otherwise fined, another subsidiary in other regions under the joint supervision scheme may be audited or investigated by another customs authority, probably due to correlative risk indicators in their joint supervision system. Lastly, China Customs has also strengthened the joint supervision on import transfer pricing and outbound payment of royalties on the part of multinational companies. Such supervising authorities include the Tariff Division of the General Administration of Customs, the regional Tax Collection Bureaus, the regional customs, and the local supervising customs.



In view of the above customs supervision trends and risks, it is desirable for companies in China to take the following ICP measures: (a) regular trade compliance health check on import and export declarations with the customs; (b) internal compliance process controls and (c) thorough exploration of legal defenses and supporting evidence during the health checks and customs dawn raids before the position of the company can be accepted by the customs.