活动回顾 | 外商投资企业合规运营法律问题研讨会
2023年5月24日(星期三)14:00-17:30 深圳市南山区深南大道9668号华润置地大厦B座27层环球律师事务所会议室





With the trend of economic globalization, China's policies on foreign investment and the list of industries open to foreign investment have undergone numerous changes. The implementation of the  Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China ( hereinafter referred to as the “Foreign Investment Law" ) on January 1, 2020, replacing the original laws on three types of foreign-funded enterprises, has established a unified legal basis for foreign-funded enterprises, marking the formal convergence of domestic and foreign-funded enterprises in China's corporate governance. However, in practice, due to the differences in relevant regulations after the changes and the fact that a large number of foreign-funded enterprises are currently in the five-year transition period after the implementation of the Foreign Investment Law, there are new challenges in the compliance operation and management of foreign-funded enterprises in China. How to assist foreign-funded enterprises in China with conducting compliance management, including business expansion and corporate governance during establishment and operation, effectively avoiding legal risks and dealing with dispute resolution challenges, has become the main concerns for a large number of foreign investors and foreign-funded enterprises.


This seminar will be jointly given by four speakers from Global Law Office namely Henry Hou, Shifang Guo, Ken Wang and Dahai Wei, which will start from the legal issues concerning the compliance operation of foreign-funded enterprises to the practical experience and representative cases in areas such as contract management, corporate governance, intellectual property, trade secrets protection, legal compliance and dispute resolution.

  • 活动主题
  • 主办单位
  • 活动时间
  • 活动地点
  • 语言
  • 邀请对象
  • 1:30-2:00pm

    Registration & Networking 签到

  • 2:00-2:05pm

    Opening Remarks 开幕致辞

  • 2:05-2:50pm

    Legal Risks Prevention and Dispute Resolution for Foreign-funded Enterprises Contract Management by Henry Hou, Global Law Office


  • 2:50–3:35pm

    Legal Issues On Compliance Supervision for the Establishment and Operation of Foreign-funded Enterprises by Shifang Guo, Global Law Office

    外资企业设立和运营合规监管法律问题—— 郭仕芳,环球律师事务所

  • 3:35–3:50pm

    Coffee Break 茶歇

  • 3:50–4:35pm

    How Foreign-funded Enterprises Can Handle Criminal Cases Involving Trade Secrets in China by Ken Wang, Global Law Office


  • 4:35–5:20pm

    Practices and Implementation Techniques under Chinese Laws for Punitive Damages of Intellectual Property by Dahai Wei, Global Law Office


  • 5:20–5:30pm

    Q&A 互动问答