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2025年03月18日周磊 | 李嘉杰 | 顾巍巍 | 朱志平 | 陈筝妮 | 姜寒 | 程瑞希

受国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,环球律师事务所已连续第五年为其独家撰写《全球法律指南:反腐败2025》之中国篇(法律与实践)。该指南中各个国家与地区的章节均由钱伯斯排名中该专业领域的领先律所撰写,旨在介绍各司法辖区内该专业领域法律和实务的最新发展和趋势。环球律师事务所合规与风控团队从监管合规的法律视角出发,对中国反腐败法律框架及相关法律问题、趋势做出了清晰的阐述和分析。


Chambers and Partners, one of the most authoritative international legal ranking agencies, invited Global Law Office to contribute for the fifth consecutive year to the Chambers Global Practice Guide: Anti-Corruption 2025 China (Law & Practice). The China chapter is one of the individual chapters of the Chambers Global Practice Guide Series, with each being exclusively authored by leading firms in their respective fields, as ranked by Chambers and Partners. Global Law Office Compliance and Risk Control team provided a clear introduction to the legal framework of anti-corruption in China, as well as related legal issues and trends from the perspective of regulatory compliance.




The Anti-Corruption 2025 Guide was drafted and edited by legal professionals at Global Law Office, Alan Zhou, Jacky Li, Weiwei Gu, Steven Zhu, Jenny Chen, Heather Jiang, and Rachel Cheng. It provides a clear introduction to the definition of corruption and anti-corruption under China’s legal framework, as well as the classification and constituent elements of corruption, the scope of regulation, defenses and exceptions, penalties, disclosure processes, enforcement trends, compliance expectations, and assessments. The guide will be providing legal and practical guidelines to the global industry to further understand anti-corruption in China, guiding companies and individuals to develop business operations legitimately. Should you have any questions or would like to discuss more on the topic, please contact the authors for a direct response.




Please click “Download” to download the PDF edition of Chambers Global Practice Guide: Anti-Corruption 2025 China (Law & Practice)
