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2020年03月23日王筱东 | 郁雷

​受国际权威法律评级机构《钱伯斯》(Chambers and Partners)邀请,环球律师事务所为其撰写2020年度全球金融科技法律与实践指南的中国区章节。这也是环球律师事务所连续第二年应邀撰写该章节。该指南的每个法域章节的写作都由“钱伯斯”根据该专业领域的专业认可度及声望评定的律所的作者独家负责。


Global Law Office was invited by Chambers and Partners to contribute to the Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guide - Fintech(2020). This is consecutively the second year that Global Law Office is invited. Each country chapter has been written exclusively by contributing authors from firms ranked within Chambers and Partners.




The Fintech Chapter prepared by us tries to provides readers with an overview about the regulatory mechanismof the Fintech industry under the Law of the People’s Republic of China. It particularly highlights the latest regulations and law enforcement in 2019 and the regulatory trend in 2020 on various Fintech businesses, such as Robo-Advisers, Online Lenders, Payment Processing, Fund Administrations, Exchanges and Trading Platform, High Frequency and Algorithmic Trading, Financial Research Platforms, InsureTech, RegTech, Blockchain and Open Banking. We hope that this Chapter can give you a general understanding of the up-to-date Fintech regulation in China. Should you be interested in knowing more about how the China Fintech regulation will impact your business operation, please feel free to contact the authors. 
