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2023年04月25日周磊 | 李嘉杰 | 陈筝妮

近日,环球律师事务所连续三年受邀撰写国际比较法律指南(International Comparative Legal Guides, “ICLG”)出版的《商务犯罪2023》(Business Crime 2023)之中国章节,该章节于近日正式发布。指南邀请了世界范围内10个主要司法区域(包括中国、美国、德国、法国、瑞士、意大利、荷兰、阿根廷、新加坡、日本)中相关领域的资深法律人士参与撰稿,介绍其法域内该专业领域法律和实务上的最新发展和趋势,内容权威、专业。


Recently, Global Law Office was invited to contribute to the International Comparative Legal Guides (“ICLG”) and the Business Crime 2023 China chapter for the third consecutive year. The chapter covers 10 major jurisdictions around the world (including China, the United States, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, Argentina, Singapore, and Japan) and has invited leading legal professionals in each jurisdiction to contribute exclusively to this well recognized legal guide.




The ICLG - Business Crime 2023 chapter is drafted and edited by legal professionals of Global Law Office Lei (Alan) Zhou, Jiajie (Jacky) Li and Zhengni (Jenny) Chen. The chapter provided a systematic introduction to business crime issues under PRC laws from the perspectives of professions in compliance and criminal investigation, covering multiple aspects including criminal enforcement trends, corporate criminal liability, criminal investigation, criminal litigation, burden of proof, statute of limitations, criminal defense, etc. The authors have utilized their expertise and extensive experience in compliance and criminal investigation for a holistic perspective to enhance company’s compliance awareness and status in China, as well as practical guidelines for companies to conduct business operations in China following a legitimate and compliant manner.




[Click “相关下载” to download the PDF edition of ICLG - Business Crime 2023]
