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2023年10月12日周磊 | 范可 | 曹思思

受国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,环球律师事务所连续第二年为其独家撰写《全球法律指南:医疗器械2023》之中国篇。该指南中各个国家与地区的篇章均由钱伯斯排行榜中该专业领域的领先律所撰写,旨在简明扼要地介绍各司法辖区内该专业领域法律和实务上的最新发展和趋势。


Chambers and Partners, one of the most authoritative international legal ranking agencies, invited Global Law Office and team to contribute to the Medical Devices 2023, China: Law & Practice for the second consecutive year. The China chapter is one of the individual chapters of the Chambers Global Practice Guide Series. Each country chapter has been exclusively contributed by editors from leading firms ranked by Chambers and Partners.




The Medical Devices 2023, China: Law & Practice is written by legal professionals of Global Law Office, Lei (Alan) Zhou, Ke (Coco) Fan, Sisi (Kelly) Cao. The guide outlines major legal issues and questions related to the product safety regulatory regimes, the commercialisation and product life cycle management, regulatory administration and enforcement on medical devices and consumer health products, related liabilities as well as relevant policy and legislative trends applicable to medical devices and consumer health products under the PRC law. By combining the rich experience of Global Law Office’s Life Sciences and Healthcare team, this chapter aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on the landscape of China’s Life Sciences sector, and practical guidelines for global and local pharmaceutical companies to conduct business activities in China in a legal and compliant manner. Should you have inquiries or comment regarding the publication, please feel free to contact the authors.



Please click “Download” to download the PDF edition of Medical Devices 2023.
