03/112016This article was initially published by China Law & Practice on 11 March 2016 and authored by Jianwei (Jerry) Fang, Alan L. Zhou and Jieqiong Fei of Global Law Office. The proposed Anti-unfair Competition Law amendment strikes a harsher...
03/102016By: Jinrong Liu | Shifang Guo | Liang Gao On 26 February 2016, the China Food and Drug Administration (“CFDA”) introduced the new Administrative Measures on the Registration and Record Filing of Health Food (the “Administrative Measure...
03/022016By: Jeffrey Zhu | Jerry Liu | Ya Wei Chen In December 2015, China's National People's Congress promulgated amendments to the Education Law and the Higher Education Law, which shows that China's education supervision and administrati...
01/292016By: Michael WENG IV. Questions on the standards adopted Even though China has become much more welcoming with foreign and joint production films, the fundamental sensitivity will always be there no matter. As a general principle, any...
01/062016By: Alan Zhou | Matthew Ma On December 30, 2015, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (“SAIC”) passed Order No. 83 and promulgated the Interim Administrative Measures for the List of Dishonest Enterprises Committing Grave ...
08/252015By: Jianwei (Jerry) FangPublished with China Law & Practice on August 10, 2015 with minor modification.MNCs must understand Chinese anti-bribery laws and that violations on the ground can have severe extra-jurisdictional effects under the F...