現在のページ: 業務分野 / 貿易及び税関








  • 貿易救済措置(アンチダンピング、補助金相殺関税及びセーフガード)調査への対応
  • 米国通商法第301条及び関税法337条に基づく調査への対応
  • 輸出規制及び経済制裁に関する法的サービス
  • WTO紛争解決手続への関与
  • 輸出割当・許可証制度に関するコンサルティングサービス


  • 中国国際商会の代理人として米国通商法第301条に基づく調査への対応(中国初の案件)



  • 輸出入に係るタックスコンサルティング及びタックスプラニング
  • 商品分類及び関税分類番号に関するコンサルティング
  • 輸入貨物移転価格、タックスリスクマネジメント、税関の価格諮問に係るコンサルティング
  • 貿易外取引の支払及びライセンス料に係るタックスリスクコンサルティング
  • 輸出貨物の特定減免税項目に関するコンサルティング
  • 追徴課税除外、関税分類番号、税率、実行関税率表に関するコンサルティング
  • 原産地規則に関するコンサルティング
  • 輸出入検疫検査に関するコンサルティング
  • 税関対応・貿易コンプライアンス体制のチェック、税関対応リスクマネジメント及び貿易コンプライアンス整備に関するコンサルティング
  • サプライチェーン及び輸出入事業モデルに関するコンサルティング
  • 知的財産の水際取締りに関するコンサルティング
  • 税関検査に関するコンサルティング及び代理手続、危機対応
  • 自由貿易協定(FTA)及び地域貿易協定に関するコンサルティング
  • 農産物、食品、医薬品、医療機器、中古機械、廃棄物等の輸入許可及び貿易コンプライアンスに関するコンサルティング
  • 輸出規制品目及び両用品目(軍用への転用が可能な品目)に関するコンサルティング
  • ファイナンス、上場、M&Aにおける税関対応・貿易コンプライアンスのデューデリジェンス


  • providing comprehensive solution regarding transfer pricing tax and customs risk control for a transnational company
  • successfully applying for the first case classification preliminary ruling in Shanghai custom district on behalf of a transnational company
  • leading the consulting project of import & export commodity tax number classification database of a transnational company, which was reviewed by Shanghai Customs and recognized as having classification precedent effect, making it the first foreign manufacturing import & export tax number classification precedent database
  • providing place of origin compliance special services for a transnational company
  • providing consulting services regarding Sino-U.S. trade war tax increase, place of origin and export control for domestic and foreign companies
  • conducting customs and trade compliance examinations for a large number of clients, providing compliance system consulting and properly solving leftover problems by implementing voluntary disclosure
  • successfully finding legal defense against criminal liability in customs investigation cases for a number of companies


Global Law Office has a growing international trade practice that is active in a wide range of industries, including petrochemicals, textiles, agriculture and steel. Skilled at representing both domestic and international clients in trade remedy cases. Demonstrates strength in defending associations in Section 301 investigations. The firm extends its expert coverage into import and export control, and other customs law issues, and is highly sought after by companies from various sectors including semiconductors, automobiles and insurance.

——Chambers-Greater China Region 2022


One client comments: "They are very knowledgeable with the trade practices of different countries and are able to provide timely and accurate advice." "They are a 'no muss, no fuss' law firm who can accurately navigate the business realities of US-PRC tensions,"reports a market commentator.

——Chambers-Greater China Region 2022




  • 2022, International trade Law Firm of the Year, China Business Law Journal
  • 2022, International Trade Law Firm of the Year: East China - Non-local, Asian Legal Business
  • 2021, International Trade Law Firm of the Year: The Coastal Areas - Non-local, Asian Legal Business
  • 2020-2022, Nominated in International Trade Law Firm of the Year, Asian Legal Business
  • 2018, Trade PRC Law Firm of the Year, China Law & Practice


  • 2022-2023, Band 1 Law Firm in Export Controls & Economic Sanctions, Chambers and Partners Greater China Region
  • 2022-2023, Recommended firm in International Trade/WTO: Respondent, Chambers and Partners Greater China Region
  • 2022, Band 1 Law Firm in International Trade: Customs, Chambers and Partners Greater China Region
  • 2019-2021, Recommended firm in International Trade/WTO, Chambers and Partners Asia Pacific
  • 2022, Band 1 Law Firm in International Trade: customs, export control and economic sanctions, Chambers and Partners Global
  • 2019-2022, Recommended firm in International Trade/WTO: Respondent, Chambers and Partners Global
  • 2023, Top tier firm in WTO/International Trade, The Legal 500 Asia Pacific
  • 2016-2022, Recommended firm in WTO/International Trade, The Legal 500 Asia Pacific
  • 2016-2022, Recommended firm in International Trade/WTO, LEGALBAND