Review | Import Transfer Pricing: How do Enterprises Cooperate with Customs Investigation?
May 22, 2020 14:00-16:00 Webinar
Import Transfer Pricing: How do Enterprises Cooperate with Customs Investigation?

At present, some enterprises have received the notice of "industry research" from the Customs on the enterprise's import transfer pricing. In the first step, the enterprises are required to provide information and materials ; in the next step, the Customs may verify the details and rationality according to the information, and then there may be other legal risks to re-evaluate and pay tax.

The customs valuation of transfer pricing is extremely complex. Without years of practical experience in consulting enterprises, there is no way to clarify the responsibility boundary, potential risk links, compliance points and matters needing attention of cooperating with the customs. GLO hereby invites Dr. Deming Zhao, partner, to share with enterprises how to cooperate with customs import transfer pricing industry research and key points of Customs compliance of transfer pricing based on his years of practical experience , so that enterprises can have a clear idea and actively and rationally cooperate with customs investigation and evaluation work.


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