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GLO advises the lead arranger on the establishment of a US$5 billion Global Medium Term Notes Programme by Tencent

Acting as the PRC legal counsel to the Singapore Branch of Deutsche Bank, Global Law Office is advising on the establishment of a US$5 billion Medium Term Notes Programme by Tencent to be listed on the HKEx.


For this project, Deutsche Bank, Barclays and J.P. Morgan acted as the joint-global coordinator, and acted as the joint book-runners together with HSBC, ANZ Bank, BofAMerrill, BOCHK, Citibank, Credit Suisse and Standard Chartered.


Acting as the PRC legal counsel to the foregoing financial institutions, Global Law Office provided a full range of legal services for this project.  Global’s team was led by our Shanghai-based partner Mr. George WANG and Beijing-based partner Mr. Xin ZHANG, along with Jiayu ZHANG and Lewen CHENG as the other members of the team.