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环球律师事务所受钱伯斯邀请撰写 《私募股权趋势与发展(2021版)》之中国篇
2021年10月14日郁雷 | 朱健飞 | 郭嘉 | 李志斌

受国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,环球律师事务所为其独家撰写《全球法律指南》系列中的《私募股权趋势与发展(2021版)》之中国篇。该指南各个国家(地区)的专章均邀请钱伯斯排行榜中该专业领域的领先律所独家撰写,以简明扼要地介绍各司法辖区该专业领域法律和实务上的最新发展和趋势。


Global Law Office was invited by Chambers and Partners to contribute to the China chapter of the Chambers and Partners Global Practice Guides – Private Equity 2021 (T&D). Each country chapter has been written exclusively by contributing authors from firms ranked within Chambers and Partners.



  • COVID-19对中国私募股权市场的持续影响
  • 制造业领域的投资活动增加
  • “生命周期管理”对私募股权投资的影响
  • 政府行为引起的不确定性增加
  • PE/VC交易中的并购经营者集中审查进一步加强
  • 中国继续在全国扩大QFLP试点项目


The China chapter was written by Steven Yu, Jeffrey Zhu, Jia Guo and Zhibin Li. The charter mainly discusses the latest trend and development of Private Equity in China in 2021, especially during the period of coping with COVID-19. The topics include:

  • CovId-19’s continues impact on the PE market in China
  • Investment in manufacturing industries increases
  • Impact of “Life Cycle Administration” on PE investments
  • Uncertainty about the government’s actions increases
  • Strengthened enforcement of a merger clearance review in PE/VC deals
  • China continues to expand its QFLP pilot programmes throughout the country