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GLO Antitrust Law & Policy Newsletter (Volume14)
2020-02-28GLO Antitrust Practice Group

Personal data and data privacy protection was initially belongs to the scope of data protection law, but antitrust agencies have been more and more actively involved. The JFTC promulgated Guidelines Concerning Abuse of a Superior Bargaining Position in Transactions between Digital Platform Operators and Consumers that Provide Personal Information, etc.on December 17,2019. It is the first competition guideline to address competition concerns regarding personal information collection and processing in the world. German Bundeskartellamt’s investigation on Facebook become the first remarkable antitrust case in this field. The two major jurisdiction have taken actions on same issue presenting the indication that worth of attention.


Antitrust Monograph
Competition Concern on the Platform’s Data Collection and Processing
​Author: GLO Partner Jiang (John) Wan | Partner Jie (Maggie) Meng

Case Analysis
The Concept of Joint Control under Chinese AML: An Analyses on MBK partners/Siyanli Case
​Author: GLO Partner Jiang (John) Wan | Partner Jia Guo

Legislature and Revision Advice
Trends and development of China AML enforcement
Author: GLO Partner Jiang (John) Wan
